A technical trip to Özdisan Elektronik San. Tic. A.Ş. was organised by the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, on 27 December, 2023.
A technical trip to Özdisan Elektronik San. Tic. A.Ş. was organised by the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, on 27 December, 2023.
Our department faculty members Esra Saatçı, Ertugrul Saatçı, Umut Cem Oruçoğlu and Mert Hayar visited Özdisan Elektronik San. Tic. A.Ş. to discuss our possible future collaborations. Talks were conducted about technical tours, long-term internships, and applied courses for the students on the visit, which was made possible by our valuable graduate Omer Berat Noyan and Batu Hatipoğlu.
Engineers who graduated from the Electrical-Electronics Engineering Departments of universities and want to work as Independent Consultant Engineers (ICE) are required to apply for the "Electricity 1 kV". Above and 1 kV. In order to obtain the "Six Facilities ICE Certificate", the ICE Authorization Certificate Course Completion Program will be held for the courses they must take in accordance with the 8th paragraph of Article 9 of the Independent Consultant Engineering Services Regulation.
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering will organize an orientation program for newly enrolled students for the 2023-2024 Academic Year, on Wednesday, October 11, at 12:00, at the mezzanine floor laboratory of Ataköy Campus.
A protocol was signed between the Faculty of Engineering and DEKA Elektronik, which will pave the way for cooperation in the fields of internship and education. Within the scope of the protocol, three internship quotas are granted to Electrical and Electronics Engineering students, educational activities such as technical trips and seminars and post-graduate employment opportunities are offered. We would like to thank our Rector Prof Dr Fadime Üney Yüksektepe and Deka Elektronik Deputy General Manager Oktay Nak, who contributed to the cooperation.
Res. Assist. Ahmet Aytuğ AYRANCI from Istanbul Kültür University Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department was the guest of the program "Online" broadcasted on TRT RADYO 1. In the related radio conference, the subject of “The Role of UAVs in Post-Disaster Communication” was discussed.
Res. Assist. Ahmet Aytuğ AYRANCI from Istanbul Kultur University Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department was the guest of the program "Online" broadcasted on TRT RADYO 1. In the related radio conference, the subject of “Post-Disaster UAV-Communication Networks” was discussed.
23 students from Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department participated in Aerospace and Technology Festival (TEKNOFEST) Competitions in 2023. Team “İKÜ Kırmızı Kanatlar”, supervised by Asst. Prof. Dr. Ertuğrul SAATÇI, has achieved first place in “Fighter Unmanned Aerial Vehicle” competition. Our students’ teams were competed as a finalist in the Robotaxi Autonomous Vehicle, Rocket, Artificial Intelligence in Health and Unmanned Underwater Systems Competitions.
We congratulate our project teams and wish them continued success.
Res. Assist. Ahmet Aytuğ AYRANCI from Istanbul Kültür University Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, was the guest of the program "Online" broadcasted on TRT RADYO 1 on 01.02.2023. In the related radio conference, the subject of “UAV-Based Communication in 6G Link” was discussed.
Head of Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Assoc. Prof. Esra Saatci has been selected as member in the Technical Area Committee (TAC) in Biomedical Image & Signal Analytics (BISA), the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP), for the term 2023-2025.